Sauvignon Waldgries 'Myra' 2023
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In summary
Awards & Recognition
How to taste it
Crystal clear, pale yellow with green reflections, quite substantial.
Intense, quite complex, opens with vegetal hints of nettle and fioglia tomato, continues with enough hidden notes of fruit and closes with a slight aroma reminiscent of the elder. Quite fine.
Dry, warm, quite soft, it impresses with freshness and vivacity in the mouth.
Sauvignon ''Myra'' Waldgries Si sposa bene con asparagi bianchi e verdi, piatti vegetariani, crostacei, pesce crudo, carni bianche.Sauvignon Myra' Waldgries It goes well with white and green asparagus, vegetarian dishes, shellfish, raw fish, white meat.'
Contains sulfites.
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In Italy for orders over 49€