Alois Lageder

Oggi sinonimo di qualità ed eccellenza, l'azienda Alois Lageder nasce nel 1823, riuscendo nel corso dei decenni a coniugare con grandi risultati tradizione ed innovazione. La sua attività si concentra sulla gestione della vitivinicoltura in regime biologico-biodinamico per i circa 50 ettari di vigneti di proprietà, arricchiti dalla collaborazione con molti produttori delle diverse zone altoatesine per il conferimento di uve lavorate concordando precisi criteri di qualità.
Ampia è la scelta tra i vini prodotti, stretto è il legame con il territorio.
(Alois Lageder Azienda Agricola SPA Tòr Löwengang Vicolo dei Conti 9)
- Chardonnay Lageder 'Lowengang' 2021was €75.50 Special Price €67.20 - 11%
- Schiava Lageder 'Romigberg' 2021was €15.70 Special Price €13.70 - 13%
- Cabernet Lageder 'Cor Romigberg' 2017was €60.90 Special Price €54.80 - 10%
- Gewurztraminer Lageder 2023 cl 37,5was €8.90 Special Price €8.30 - 7%
- Chardonnay Lageder 2023was €13.60 Special Price €12.40 - 9%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Pinot Nero Lageder 2022was €17.70 Special Price €16.60 - 6%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Pinot Nero Lageder 'Krafuss' 2020was €59.30 Special Price €51.70 - 13%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie Riff Alois Lageder 2023was €6.50 Special Price €6.30 - 3%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Merlot Lageder 2021was €14.50 Special Price €13.50 - 7%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Muller Thurgau Lageder 2022was €12.40 Special Price €11.60 - 6%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Cabernet Lageder Riserva 2021was €16.00 Special Price €14.90 - 7%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Riesling Lageder 'Surmont' 2022was €24.90 Special Price €22.80 - 8%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page
- Gewurztraminer Lageder 'Am Sand' 2021was €23.90 Special Price €21.60 - 10%Add to Wish ListOut of stock Activate the notificationEnter the product page to enter your email, we will notify you as soon as the product is available againProduct page