
  1. Champagne Pierre Paillard

    Siamo a Bouzy nella Montagne de Reims. Bouzy è uno dei pochi comuni classificati Grand Cru dello Champagne, la patria

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  2. Quale vino abbinare alla cacciagione?

    Lepre? Beccaccia? Capriolo? Cinghiale? Solo a parlane ci viene l’acquolina in bocca. Lunghe macerazioni con vino e spezie prima e lunghissime cotture sul tegame poi, ne fanno

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  3. Castello del Terriccio

    Proseguiamo il nostro viaggio per l’Italia. Restiamo in Toscana, questa volta nel versante costiero della provincia di Pisa, a Castellina Marittima, località Terriccio, per entrare in una delle realtà più incredibili

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  4. Pinot Noir and Pink Floyd

    Listen, lights the senses and open your heart, not to miss any whisper quiet murmured, listening, because wine is alive, has its own personality, its own story to tell and stopping only to feel it would be superficial if not miserable.


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  5. How to properly store wine at home

    The preservation of a good bottle of wine is always extremely important, especially if you want to buy a wine and wait for the time to reach the perfect ripeness and taste it at best moment. Not everyone knows that each wine has its own life cycle that

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  6. Antichi Vinai: wines from the volcano

    Our journey trough the companies began in one of the most fascinating areas of the Italian viticulture (and beyond): Etna. We are more precisely in the northern slope of the volcano, Passopisciaro, a hamlet of Castiglione di Sicilia, where for generations

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